Research funding

Funded projects as the principal investigator (total amount: ~ HK$52 M)

  1. ITS/024/21: A Novel p-GaN Gate HEMT Technology for High-Frequency Power Electronics and Amplifiers, 2022-2023, funding agency: Innovation Technology Fund (ITF) of Hong Kong
  2. MRP-010-21X: (Co-PI) DC Capacitorless Multi-port Direct Matric Converter for Green Power Systems, 2022-2024, funding agency: Innovation Technology Fund (ITF) of Hong Kong
  3. R6008-18: Center for Wide-bandgap Semiconductor Power Electronics Research, 2019-2023. (completed)
  4. 16209819: Semiconducting Gate Field-Effect Transistors based on 2D/3D Van Der Waals Heterostructures, 2020-2022, funding agency: Research Grant Council (RGC) General Research Fund (GRF) (completed)
  5. GDST20EG40: Key Technology and Applications of 8-inch GaN-on-Si Device for Power Amplifiers in 5G Communication, 2020-2022, funding agency: Department of Science and Technology of Guangdong Province (GDST) 廣東省科技廳
  6. HKUST, A platform for reliability and stability evaluation of advanced semiconductor devices, 2018-2019, funding source: Research Equipment Competition (REC), HKUST (completed)
  7. ITS/412/17: Reliability Evaluation and Testing Platform for High-Speed GaN Power-Switching Devices, 2018-2020, funding agency: Innovation Technology Fund (ITF) of Hong Kong (completed)
  8. ITS/234/16: A Novel GaN/SiC Hybrid Field-Effect Transistor for High-Performance Power Switching Applications, 2017-2019, funding agency: Innovation Technology Fund (ITF) of Hong Kong (completed)
  9. SZ-GDST1705: High-efficiency ultra-compact power adaptor development based on driver-integration-type GaN power devices, 2017-2019, funding agency: Guangdong Science and Technology Major Project (completed)
  10. SZ-SZSTI1842: Research on a GaN/SiC Hybrid Field Effect Transistor, 2018-2021, funding agency: Basic Research Program, Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Committee. (completed)
  11. SZ-MOST1705: GaN基新型电力电子器件关键技术, 2017-2020. Funding agency: Key R&D program, Ministry of Science and Technology, China (completed)
  12. SZ-SZSTI1603: 氮化镓电力电子器件中电子陷阱抑制方法研究, 2016-2019, funding agency: Basic Research Program, Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Committee. (completed)
  13. 16207115: Gate Dielectric Reliability of GaN Power MIS-HEMTs: Failure Modes and Mechanisms, 2016-2018, funding agency: Research Grant Council (RGC) General Research Fund (GRF) (completed)
  14. ITS/192/14FP: Device Technology Platform for Next Generation Wide Bandgap GaN Power MIS-HEMTs and MOSFETs with High Reliability and Robustness, 2014-2016, funding agency: Innovation Technology Fund (ITF) of Hong Kong (completed)
  15. TI13EG01: Monolithically Integrated Current-Collapse-Free, 600-V D-mode and E-mode FETs based on III-Nitride Materials, 2013-2016, funding agency: Texas Instruments (completed)
  16. N_HKUST636/13: Investigation of bulk and interface traps in III-nitride semiconductor heterojunction power electronic devices, 2014-2017, funding agency: Research Grant Council (RGC) NSFC/RGC Joint Research Scheme (completed)
  17. HKUST611512: Engineering AlN Thin Film by Atomic Layer Deposition for GaN Power Devices, 2013-2015, funding agency: Research Grant Council (RGC) General Research Fund (GRF) (completed)
  18. HKUST611311: AlGaN/GaN Schottky Source Tunnel Junction FET: toward High-Performance GaN Power Transistor, 2012-2014, funding agency: Research Grant Council (RGC) General Research Fund (GRF) (completed)
  19. HKUST611610: Ultrahigh-Speed and High-Voltage-Swing GaN Mixed-Signal IC Technology, 2011-2013, funding agency: Research Grant Council (RGC) General Research Fund (GRF) (completed)
  20. ITS/122/09FP: GaN Smart Power IC Technologies for High-Efficiency Power and Energy Management, 2009-2011, funding agency: Innovation Technology Fund (ITF) (completed)
  21. HKUST611809: Monolithically Integrated AC/DC and DC/DC Power Converters using GaN-on-Si Technologies, 2010-2012, funding agency: Research Grant Council (RGC) General Research Fund (GRF) (completed)
  22. HKUST, Equipment for Ecotronics Laboratories, 2009-2010, funding source: Research Equipment Competition (REC), HKUST (completed)
  23. ITS/040/08:Monolithically Integrated High-Performance Rectifiers and Transistors for GaN Power Integrated Circuits, 2008-2010, funding agency: ITF (completed)
  24. HKUST611708: Wide-Bandgap GaN Smart Power Chip Technologies, 2009-2010, funding agency: RGC GRF (completed)
  25. ITS/096/07:Device Technologies for GaN-based High Performance Power Electronics,2007-2008, Funding agency: ITF (completed)
  26. HKUST611807:  Drain Profile Engineering for High-Performance GaN-based Power Transistors, 2007-2009, funding agency: RGC GRF (completed)
  27. HKUST611706:  Enhancement-mode AlGaN/GaN HEMTs and Their Circuit Applications, 2006-2009. funding agency: RGC GRF (completed)
  28. HKUST611805: High-Linearity III-Nitride Composite-Channel High Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMT) for RF/Microwave Applications, 2005-2008. funding agency: RGC GRF (Completed)
  29. N_HKUST616/04 (NSFC/RGC Joint Research Project): Development of deep submicron gallium nitride  heterostructure field-effect transistors for high-power low-noise RF/microwave applications , 2005-2007, funding agency: National Science Foundation China and Hong Kong RGC (completed)
  30. UIM/144:High-performance embedded radio-frequency passive components in thin array plastic packaging (TAPP) for wireless system-in-package applications, 2004-2006, funding agency: ITF (completed)
  31. HKUST6215/03E: A novel step-gate-oxide RF MOSFET for power amplifiers in short-and medium-range wireless applications, 2003-2005, funding agency: RGC (completed)
  32. HKUST6173/02E: Micromachined compact photonic bandgap structures fabricated on silicon substrates for wireless applications, 2002-2005, funding agency: RGC (completed)
  33. DAG04/05.EG13:Channel engineering of III-nitride heterostructure field-effect transistors for wireless communications, 2005, funding agency: RGC (completed)
  34. CA01/02.EG01: Development of Nitride-based microwave devices for applications in wireless systems,2002-2005, Funding agency: RGC (completed)
  35. I2MS01/02.EG05:Silicon-based reconfigurable antennas integrated with electromagnetic bandgap structures and RF MEMS switches,2002-2004, funding agency: HKUST Institute of Integrated Microsystems (completed)
  36. DAG01/02.EG34:High-Q RF/microwave passive components incorporating low-k dielectric layers on standard silicon substrate,2002-2003, funding agency: RGC (completed)
  37. DAG00/01.EG20:Large-signal modelling and characterization of SOI LDMOS for RF applications,2001-2002. HK$100,000, funding agency: RGC (completed)
  38. HKUST Postdoctoral Matching Fund 2004-2005, AlGaN/GaN double- and multiple-channel heterostructure field-effect transistors for Microwave Power Amplifiers, (completed)
  39. HKUST Postdoctoral Matching Fund 2002-2003, Development of Nitride-based microwave devices for applications in communication systems.(completed)
  40. CityU9030507, Simulation of Resonant-Tunneling High Electron Mobility Transistors, 1997-1999, funding agency: City University of Hong Kong Strategic Research Grant (completed)

Funded projects as a Co-investigator (total amount: over HK$217 M)

  1. Hong Kong Center of AI, Robotics and Electronics (HK CARE) for Prefabricated Construction, Hong Kong Innovation Hub, funding agency: Innovation Technology Fund (ITF)
  2. ITC-PSKL12EG02: State Key Laboratory of Advanced Displays and Optoelectronics Technologies (HKUST), 2013-present, HK$38,750,000, funding agency: Innovation Technology Commission,
  3. RPC11EG14: Integrated cryogenic cooling of power semiconductor devices with thermoelectric nanocomposite thin films, 2011-2013, HK$260,000, funding agency: UGC Research Project Competition (RPC)  (PI: Prof. Baoling Huang, Department of Mechanical Engineering, HKUST)
  4. RPC10EG16: A molecular understanding of gas-nanotube/nanowire interactions: toward untrasensitive nanosensors, 2010-2012, HK$298,000, funding agency: UGC Research Project Competition (RPC) (PI: Prof. Zhigang Li, Department of Mechanical Engineering, HKUST)
  5. HKUST615710: Pump-free micro/nanofluidic systems for chip-level cooling, 2011-2013, HK$1,428,537, funding agency: RGC GRF (PI: Prof. Zhigang Li, Department of Mechanical Engineering, HKUST)
  6. ITR/001/05: Nano and Advanced Materials Institute Limited (NAMI), 2006-2012, HK$61,400,000, funding agency: Innovation Technology Fund (ITF).
  7. HKUSTCA07/08.EG02: Integrated III-Nitride Transistors and Microsensors, 2008-2011, HK$4,000,000, funding agency: Research Grant Council (RGC) Collaborative Research Fund (PI: Prof. Kei May Lau, other Co-Is: Prof. Tongyi Zhang (HKUST), Prof. Aaron Ho (CUHK) and Prof. Peter Lai (HKU))
  8. HKUST603308: Investigation of the physical properties of fluorine ions in the III-nitride material systems, 2009-2010, HK$343,700, funding agency: RGC GRF (PI: Prof. Jiannong Wang, Department of Physics, HKUST), completed
  9. HKUST622506: Microbridge Tests of Gallium Nitride Films and Gallium Nitride Microbridge Resonators, 2007-2009, HK$406,000, funding agency: RGC RGF (PI: Prof. Tongyi Zhang, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, HKUST), completed
  10. ITS/176/01B: Nanoelectronics: Nanoscale transistors for high-performance applications, 2003-2005, HK$11,980,000, funding agency: Innovation Technology Fund (ITF) (PI: Prof. Philip. C. H. Chan, other Co-Is: Prof. Mansun Chan and Prof. Kei May Lau) (completed)
  11. ITS/124/00: The establishment of a semiconductor product analysis and design enhancement (SPADE) center, 2001-2004, HK$20,403,000, funding agency: Innovation Technology Fund (ITF)